7 Sept 2009

Chuck Otieno sent a message to the members of Africa to Africa Outreach.
Subject: Re: urgent need to our ministry
Dear friends,
This is a personal message from my heart and hoping that God will touch you. We are facing a huge pain in our high school students lives , our fees arears are mounting to  $2500,
God has laid it in my life to ask of you, if you can send a one time gift or any amount to wards this cause. Most of students are sitting for the exams starting October and it would so painful if they miss .Our prayer is that whatever the lord will lay in your heart today .
Please go to group page and get bank details or use western union /money gram
To Rev Charles Otieno Oyange
Po box 3656-40100
Kisumu Kenya
Kindly send to us  transfer details, to our email address.
If you are in Norway please contact Guttorm or Laila Gasland , they can forward any gift with all faithfulness .
Bless you all
praying to you all members of victory
Rev Charles


9 Aug 2009

Chuck Otieno sent a message to the members of Africa to Africa Outreach.
Subject: re urgent need in our ministry.
Dear friends.
Its been along time, hope all is well and God is in control, many things have happened, and many painful event have come to our lives. We are grateful that God is  moving and we now have VICTORY MINISTRIES CENTER, where our orphans can call home. Am honored to note that your prayers and sacrifices have reached heaven
Do not grow weary in doing good, do not look at the past, a bright future with this  kids is coming, within their heart, they will shed tears of Joy that you made their lives change. I know our pain sometimes have given so many of you alotof frustration, alot of trials, your finances have been touched beyond doubt just to make the ministry a reality .
My prayer as i continue is that, i know for sure that these kids are not your responsibility , neither are they part of what your resources should do. They are people you dont know, but i can assure you with all my heart, that these kids are weeping every single day, evening, and every morning, they have joy because you have made an impact on them. Please we might be too much, but dont give up on them, fail to give me and my family anything but dont abandon these children, they are strangers, they have no home, no family. Its you and me they know. Please i am coming to you with heavy heart. Kindly help us restore the pain we are going through. I hold you dearly as always my heart cries to the father  to forgive me, if i am the problem.
As we enter this weekend, my heart cries that God what would we do if you all we trusted forsake us, if you our father forsake us, trusting in God always .I may be a thorn in your flesh, some of you might think that am only interested  in your  money, no , no no no, If i had all the resources to support these kids, i promise from my heart i would not even dare to have an email. God brought me into your lives with a huge pain in my life. Would you continue standing with us to bring hope that you started or God is telling you other wise?
Would you look unto God and say, lord just for your glory and nothing else am continuing to help this ministry ?
Please am so sorry that i have pained you, taken from you often, but please, please dont leave this kids. I may be wrong, i may be not what God want you do, But would you take a minute and think of children who are going to be preachers, they are representing the Kingdom.
We are trusting God for $1,500 to build a house for a widow who lost everything. She needs  a house , and with the rains  coming she is desperate for your help. The amount will cater for her bedding, chairs, and blankets
We need $1000 for school fees for our high school students : Our students have been sent home and some of them are going to sit for their final grade 8exams, they need your help .
We need $600 for food, we haveapproximated that if by grace of God we can get this amount every month, then we are able to provide food monthly without pain.
We need $500 to buy water pump so that we can farm vegetables, onions, tomatoes in our center. Our prayer is to venture in farming and we need a water pump urgently, will you support us ?
Would you help ?
We also need $6,000 to buy a truck to help us transport food, children from school  attend to emergencies. This is an urgent need in our ministry, owing to many emergencies we have especially at night.
You can wire money to our ministry  on our  group page  or send
through western union
To Rev Charles Otieno Oyange, po box 3656-40100 Kisumu Kenya.
Text question is: what is the name of our ministry:
please send us all transaction details to help us redeem your gift.This are genuine needs.
Please let us know if you can be of help
Rev Charles and Esther .


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